May 4, 2021

May 4, 2021 #

Nouns #

Vocab Definition
사고 accident
차이 difference
요금 fees
병원 hospital
얼음 찜질 ice pack
낮잠 nap
인구 population
단계 stage, phase, step
교통 traffic
시골 village
세계 world

Verbs #

Vocab Definition
인정하다 to agree
대답하다 to answer
생기다 to appear
오르다 to ascend
태어나다 to be born
승진하다 to be promoted
왔다 가다 to come and leave
사귀다 to date someone
줄다 to decrease, to diminish
내리다 to descend
발전하다 to develop
죽다 to die
입학하다 to enter a school
빠지다 to fall in
취직하다 to get a job
결혼하다 to get married
낳다 to give birth
갔다 오다 to go and come back
졸업하다 to graduate
늘다 to increase, to improve
돌아가시다 to pass away (formal)
낫다 to recover
회복하다 to recover (M)
답장하다 to reply (e.g. to a message)
은퇴하다 to retire
돌아가다 to return (away)
돌아오다 to return (here)

Adjectives #

Vocab Definition

Miscellaneous #

Vocab Definition