May 11, 2021

May 11, 2021 #

Nouns #

Vocab Definition
버블티 bubble tea
집안일 chores
색깔 color
달러 dollar
눈썹 eyebrow
안경 glasses
투자 investment
근육 muscle
담당 person in charge
당도 sugar level (M)
단위 unit (M)

Verbs #

Vocab Definition
적응하다 to adapt
가져오다 to bring here
선호하다 to prefer
가져가다 to take away
적다 to write

Adjectives #

Vocab Definition
밝다 to be bright
친하다 to be close (relationship)
진하다 to be dark
익숙하다 to be familiar with
뚱뚱하다 to be fat
지각하다 to be late (for school or work)
연하다 to be light (in color or taste)
날씬하다 to be skinny
적당하다 to be suitable
똑같다 to be the same

Miscellaneous #

Vocab Definition
거의 almost
인생 단계 stage of life