June 15, 2021

June 15, 2021 #

Nouns #

Vocab Definition
지역 area
이모 aunt
배경 background
성당 Catholic church
사투리 dialect, slang
환경 environment
정원 garden
주택 housing
기계 machine
동네 neighborhood

Verbs #

Vocab Definition
태어나다 to be born
고치다 to fix
잃어버리다 to lose, to misplace
회복하다 to recover
낫다 to recover

Adjectives #

Vocab Definition
고장이 나다 to be broken
아프다 to be sick, to be hurt

Miscellaneous #

Vocab Definition
앞으로 in the future, from now on
활씬 to be a lot more