June 22, 2021

June 22, 2021 #

Nouns #

Vocab Definition
동물 animal
봉투 bag, envelope
식물원 botanical garden
비용 expense
식비 food expense
빈대떡 green bean pancake
송편 Korean mochi
한과 Korean traditional cookie
위치 location (M)
관리비 maintenance expense
말레이시아 Malaysia
차례상 memorial service table
동네 친구 neighbor
식물 plant
떡국 rice cake soup
간식 snack
식혜 sweet rice drink
휴학 temporary absence from school
전통놀이 traditional games
명절 traditional holiday
동물원 zoo

Verbs #

Vocab Definition
들다 to cost
차계를 지내다 to hold a memorial service
서배 하다 to perform a New Year’s bow
격리하다 to quarantine
성묘를 하다 to visit one’s grave

Adjectives #

Vocab Definition
아예 없다 to have nothing at all

Miscellaneous #

Vocab Definition
한글날 Hangul Day
만약에 If …
설날 Korean New Year
추석 Mid-Autumn festival
원래 originally
하얀색 white
흰색 white