
Verbs #

Vocab Definition
계시다 honorific of 있다
적응하다 to adapt
추가하다 to add on
인정하다 to agree
대답하다 to answer
답하다 to answer
생기다 to appear, to look like
신청하다 to apply
도착하다 to arrive
오르다 to ascend
가능하다 to be able to
태어나다 to be born
되다 to become
한가하다 to be free, to not be busy
걸리다 to be hung
초대를 받다 to be invited (to receive an invitation)
근무하다 to be on duty
승진하다 to be promoted
야단을 맞다 to be scolded
끓다 to boil
예약하다 to book (hotel, restaurant), to reserve
예매하다 to book (tickets)
가져가다 to bring (away)
가져오다 to bring (here)
가져오다 to bring here
우연히 만나다 to bump into
사다 to buy
계산하다 to calculate
부르다 to call, to sing (불러요)
잡다 to catch (a ball)
도전하다 to challenge
바꾸다 to change
청소하다 to clean
닦다 to clean, to wipe, to brush
닫다 to close
모이다 to collect
왔다 가다 to come and leave
들다 to come in, to enter
나오다 to come out, to appear
보러 오다 to come to see
칭찬하다 to complement
확인하다 to confirm
연릭하다 to contact
요리하다 to cook
들다 to cost
자르다 to cut
사귀다 to date someone
줄다 to decrease, to diminish
해동하다 to defrost
출발하다 to depart
내리다 to descend
발전하다 to develop
개발하다 to develop
죽다 to die
설거지를 하다 to do dishes
장을 보다 to do groceries
빨래하다 to do laundry
다운로드 하다 to download
그리다 to draw
마시다 to drink
운전하다 to drive
밥을 먹다 to eat rice
마치다 to end, to finish (끝나다)
즐겁다 to enjoy
입학하다 to enter a school
환전하다 to exchange money
운동하다 to exercise
기대하다 to expect
빠지다 to fall into (especially water)
느끼다 to feel
촬영하다 to film
찾다 to find, to withdraw
끝나다 to finish, to end
고치다 to fix
튀기다 to fry
살을 찌다 to gain weight
취직하다 to get a job
끼다 to get caught
결혼하다 to get married
내리다 to get off
막히다 to get stuck
주다 to give
낳다 to give birth
포기하다 to give up
갔다 오다 to go and come back
산책하다 to go on a walk
구경하다 to go sightseeing
잡다 to grab, to catch
졸업하다 to graduate
재배하다 to grow
걸다 to hang
회의하다 to have a meeting
돕다 to help
차계를 지내다 to hold a memorial service
늘다 to increase, to improve
초대하다 to invite
조깅하다 to jog
족다 to kill
알다 to know
배우다 to learn
떠나다 to leave
듣다 to listen (ㄷ to ㄹ conjugation)
구하다 to look for
기대가 되다 to look forward to
잃어버리다 to lose, to misplace
살을 빠지다 to lose weight
유지하다 to maintain
만들다 to make
결정하다 to make a decision
실수하다 to make a mistake
전화하다 to make a phone call
떠들다 to make noise
의미하다 to mean
만나다 to meet
그립다 to miss, to long for
놓치다 to miss, to lose
오해하다 to misunderstand
보습하다 to moisturize
옮기다 to move (an object)
이사하다 to move (relocate)
필요하다 to need
열리다 to open
배달을 시키다 to order delivery
정리하다 to organize
실례하다 to parden
돌아가시다 to pass away (formal)
쓰다듬다 to pat
서배 하다 to perform a New Year’s bow
들다 to pick up
계획하다 to plan
심다 to plant
연습하다 to practice
선호하다 to prefer
준비하다 to prepare
약속하다 to promise
보증하다 to promise
놓다 to put
격리하다 to quarantine
비가 오다 to rain
올리다 to raise
읽다 to read
받다 to receive
추천하다 to recommend
기록하다 to record, to document
낫다 to recover
회복하다 to recover (M)
풀다 to release, to solve
수리하다 to repair
답장하다 to reply (e.g. to a message)
쉬다 to rest
은퇴하다 to retire
돌아가다 to return (away)
돌다오다 to return (here)
복습하다 to review
헤어지다 to say goodbye, to part
야단일 치다 to scold
보다 to see
팔다 to sell
사워하다 to shower
구경하다 to sightsee
자다 to sleep
말씀하다 to speak (honorific)
걸리다 to spend (time)
걸리다 to spend (time), to catch (a cold)
보내다 to spend (time), to send
지내다 to spend (time), to stay
찌다 to steam
볶다 to stir fry
정지하다 to stop
공부하다 to study
고생하다 to suffer from
맞다 to suit
수영하다 to swim
시험을 보다 to take an exam
데려가다 to take (away)
가져가다 to take away
데려오다 to take (here)
찍다 to take pictures
가지다 to take, to hold
타다 to take, to ride (e.g. the bus)
얘기하다 to tell
알리다 to tell, to let someone know
생각하다 to think
만지다 to touch
갈아타다 to transfer
끄다 to turn off
세탁기를 돌리다 to turn on the laundry machine
청소기를 돌리다 to turn on the vaccuum
쓰다 to use
컴퓨터를 하다 to use the computer
성묘를 하다 to visit one’s grave
기다리다 to wait
일어나다 to wake up
걷다 to walk (ㄷ to ㄹ conjugation)
세수하다 to wash (face, brush teeth)
물을 주다 to water
미백하다 to whiten
닦다 to wipe
일하다 to work
적다, 쓰다 to write